Amazon’s Biggest Year for Hiring … EVER.

Posted on February 10th, 2017

Amazon’s Biggest Year for Hiring … EVER.

Amazon Employee Growth

According to the Puget Sound Business Journal, Amazon hired a total of 341,000 employees by the end of 2016. That’s an increase of 110,600 from the year before!

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos announced the plan of adding more than 100,000 employees by mid 2018. Some of those jobs will be headquarter jobs in Seattle. Starting with only 11 employees in 1994 to having over 300,000 employees today, we can say for sure that Amazon will continue to be one of the top successful companies around.

With Amazon leasing a new office building in downtown Bellevue (located in the Centre 425 building at NE 4th Street and 106th Avenue), we will find more job opportunities and buyers move to the Eastside.

Planning on moving into the area and need help looking for a home on the Eastside? No problem. Contact us today for more information!