Seattle aims to add jobs + subtract emissions
Growth continues in the Seattle area with currently 65 cranes reshaping the Seattle skyline. According to recent U.S. Census data, Seattle ranked the fastest growing U.S. big city over the last decade due to the booming tech industry. While this may sound like greats news to most, environmentalists are worried.
Environmentalists are pushing for the “Emerald City” to become “carbon neutral” by 2050, meaning the city will produce no more climate-changing emissions. According to 2014 data, Seattle’s greenhouse gas emissions have fallen 6 percent since 2008 as population grew by 13 percent.
As old structures fall and new ones are built, environmentalists are trying to figure out how to diminish emissions further without destroying economic development. Awareness of environmental issues continue to rise and with that, many local businesses are being more conscious about the environment and looking for ways to become carbon neutral. For example, the Bullitt Center in Seattle has become the “world’s largest living building, one that produces more energy than it consumes thanks to an energy-efficient design that exceeds the highest standards set by LEED.” The building was designed with floor-to-ceiling windows providing light during work hours. Additional energy saving systems is the energy-sipping heat pump that uses temperatures below ground to heat the building during cooler months and cool the building during warmer months. Suddenly, we are seeing developers create more and more buildings that are more practical in today’s world.
As population growth continues, finding ways to become more efficient is a challenge and politicians are recognizing this issue by creating more incentives to help make positive changes to the environment.
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